

Item: Threatening menacing painted with the colour of blood, inside a concealed liquid, withheld inside a tube.

Painted with the colour of blood, a menacing shape accents the danger that occurs with it. Inside a concealed liquid, withheld inside a tube.


Subordinate Clauses

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to escape the vile wind, slipping quickly through the glass doors of Victory Mansions, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of gritty dust from entering along with him.”

Re-written into simple sentences: 

It was a cold day in April. The clock stroke thirteen. Winston Smith had his chin into his breast to stop the wind. The wind slipping through the doors of the Victory Mansion. Not quick enough as a swirl of dust followed him.

New location – what effect does this have?

On this bright cold day in April, the clocks were striking thirteen. A swirl of gritty dust followed Winston Smith through the glass doors of the hospital. He had his chin nuzzled into his breast to escape the vile wind.

Relative Clauses

Relative Clauses:

The man is walking alone the abandoned street with a trolley of objects. The buildings were tall and made the man look small. Paper and other rubbish littered the street. The rubbish was getting blown around by the wind.

The man felt lonely strolling through the middle of the road. He looks around hoping to see someone. He wore a dirty business suit. He pulled a trolley with him.

Which, That, Who and Whose

The street was totally deserted. The ground was strewn with litter.

  • The street which was strewn with litter was totally deserted.
  • The street, that was strewn with litter, was totally deserted.

The man walked down the middle of the road. He was humming to himself.

  • The man, who was humming to himself, was walking down the middle of the road.

The man felt lonely strolling down the middle of the road. He looks around hoping to see someone.

  • The man who was feeling lonely was hoping to see someone, while he strolled down the middle of the road.

I strolled down the abandoned corridor which was scattered with broken chairs and shattered glass. The wall and floor was no longer a clean white and instead splattered with dried blood. The arrie corridor had a spine-chilling harshness which caught my breath every few often. As I continued to stroll, through the what seemed like an endless corridor, I eventually came across a detached door, which was blocking the nearest exit.